Hi friend,
How has your week been? I just woke up from a short nap (that’s if you call a 90 minutes nap short 😂) and picked up my laptop to write to you.
👩🏽💻 What I worked on this week
Phew! I had a pretty intense week, if I do say so myself. This week, I created pockets of time to attend a digital marketing course I am currently enrolled in at Imperial College London. I’ve been on the 21-week programme for months and cannot wait to be done with it.
This week I learned about brand management and how stories and differentiation shape a customer’s perception and loyalty toward a brand. I even created an interactive game out of it on my Instagram stories which people had a fun time participating in and learning from. To get you up to speed, I made a very short thread on Twitter explaining why Donald Trump’s presidential campaign slogan was more memorable than Hillary Clinton's.
The other thing that took the bulk of my time this week is my free budgeting kickstarter workbook.
It’s a workbook that’ll provide insight into how you spend your money, budgeting methods, and tips to help you get better control of your finances. In addition, I had to create email workflows for this workbook and for my money and budgeting workshop coming up sometime next month. In case you don’t know, email marketing is something I enjoy doing, and I’m pretty badass at it! 😎
I spent the better part of today doing final editing to my youtube video: How To Budget Monthly | A Step by Step Guide - Zero budgeting, Hacks + Methods. I’d be lying if I say editing this video didn’t stress me out, but I’m glad it’s all done.
Also, I had a slow start to the week and couldn’t go to the gym three times as usual, but I did show up on Friday and Saturday morning. And, of course, I also worked on my 9-5 this week.
💡What I’m learning
Even though I actually struggle to complete the movies I start without losing interest, I watched a Netflix documentary titled Get Smart With Money, and I completed it. But not in one sitting, though😅.
I’m very interested in learning about growing and investing my money as I don’t want to be in the rat race forever. I have been investing in a lot of personal finance knowledge - books, courses, podcasts etc. hence my keen interest in this Netflix documentary. The movie spotlights the financial problems of 4 people and pairs them up with personal finance experts to help them overcome their money challenges.
Some things mentioned in the movie were not new to me, and I honestly felt like should be basic knowledge to everyone 😅. But my husband reminded me that a lot of times, what we know or comes easy to us may be unknown or difficult to others. More reasons for me to teach what I know 🌝. Back to the documentary, there are sound money lessons you can take away from it. I think you should check it out. The whole documentary is about an hour and thirty minutes; you can do this 😂.
🤔 What’s on my mind
Numbers do not determine my value, and my sense of fulfilment is independent of the numbers my content gathers. In my previous dispatch, I mentioned how I’ve been lacking drive ever since my channel pivoted from student-based content. Well, it gets worse 😩. My last two videos did NOT perform well; each got less than 3,000 views, meaning less than 10% of my audience (31,000 subscribers) watched those videos. My videos, on average, get about 8,800 views, so you can imagine how I felt seeing those numbers.
As a creator, numbers matter. Brands reach out to partner with you because of numbers. So, if the numbers aren’t looking great, the partnership front wouldn’t look great either. But that isn’t why the poor views got to me. I felt bad because I had put A LOT of work into shooting and editing those videos, and the views weren’t justifying the hours I put into them. I felt so bad that I actually tweeted this.

So, this week I have constantly been reminding myself to get back in touch with why I create videos which is to help one person get it right and because I enjoy it. So if only 2,000 persons watched that video, it means I helped 2,000 persons get it right, and that’s wayyyyy more than the one person I had in mind to reach.
✍🏽 Quote of the week
When you shift your focus and think about what you can earn and how to grow your income, part of that is shifting your focus to really ask yourself the question, “what value can I bring to the world?”
Get Smart With Money on Netflix
See you same time next week! Bye.