Learning to build in public
I’m sure many of you know/see me as the gym + weight loss + food girl, and that’s fine. But there’s a whole lot more to me. I usually separate my work/business life from my online persona. Going forwards, I will try to “build in public” and share what I’m working on here.
I do not promise daily updates, even though I have called it “Daily Dispatch”. It’s more about taking baby steps to share my work publicly and becoming comfortable doing so.
So, let’s get into what I worked on today:
Growth Manager at a Fintech company
Founder of an Edtech platform called the CP Community
Currently, I’m revamping @thecpcommunity website and also planning the unveiling of our student membership plan. I outsourced the website development, and I’ve been having constant meetings with the developer. I reviewed some updates he shared with me and had to test the site and give feedback on what to edit, add or remove.
I also had to review content created for @thecpcommunity. I have an amazing community manager that helps me handle content creation. We usually create the content calendar together; she mostly creates the design then I review/edit and approve.
Then as a Growth Manager, i.e. my 9-5. I had to create an automation today, figure out how to create a sales funnel for our product, create a growth roadmap for events and, replied a couple of emails + made a few calls.
For the YouTube side of things, I did something I rarely do. I sent some cold emails to some brands I would love to partner with, i.e. have them sponsor some videos I would be rolling out soon. A money series covering things like budgeting, saving tips, apps etc. I got a reply from one of them, but it was an “I’ve forwarded this to the right person” email. So fingers crossed that one of them gets back to me. Then running in the background of my mind is the money workshop I’d be hosting soon, trying to figure out how to price it and what contents to cover. I’m also ruminating on the rearrangement of the contents in my free budgeting workbook.
And before I forget, I’m also working on setting up the membership portal for @thecpcommunity. The contents for the E-learning platform.
So yes, I think that’s everything. Don’t worry; subsequent updates won’t be this much. This is the first, so I’m unpacking everything.
That’s all for today.